Mission and Vision


· Mission:

The mission of INTECA INGENIERÍA, S.L. is to carry out our activities in alignment with environmental protection and to continuously improve quality, staying one step ahead of customer expectations while prioritising, above all, the safety and health of people (OHS).  

· Vision:

To become a benchmark engineering company in the design and execution of industrial buildings linked to the industrial or logistics sectors, through a commitment to quality, a customer-focused approach, and the skills and engagement of our employees, alongside the improvement of environmental performance and the safety and health of people (OHS).  

Commitments and Strategic Values

  • Care for the client and their aspirations.  
  • Excellence in planning and execution of every task.  
  • Transparency throughout the process, maintaining open communication with the client to address their needs, requirements, and expectations.  
  • Training our professionals to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to perform their duties effectively and responsibly.  
  • Promoting teamwork, perseverance, initiative, innovation, rigour, and responsibility among our employees.  
  • Ensuring environmental protection by working responsibly, preventing pollution, and minimising the environmental impacts caused by our activities.  
  • Prioritising the safety of individuals and other stakeholders, eliminating or minimising occupational health and safety risks, and ensuring compliance with the Occupational Risk Prevention Act.  
  • Encouraging worker consultation and participation in OHS matters.  
  • Driving the use of technologies that contribute to mitigating climate change and enable efficient use of natural resources.  
  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements, including applicable environmental regulations and any voluntarily assumed commitments.  
  • Maintaining employee awareness and environmental consciousness, promoting environmental training, and encouraging active participation, including suggestions for improvement to continuously enhance environmental performance.  
  • Recognising that the fundamental strength of our company lies in our employees, providing them with a work environment that fosters motivation, engagement, competence, and pride in their contributions, alongside safe and healthy working conditions.  
  • Promoting responsibility and sensitivity towards continuous quality improvement.  
  • Ensuring the company’s economic efficiency in the face of high market competitiveness.  

Operational Values

We will support, sustain, and develop a company that:  

  • Focuses on continuous improvement while aligning with environmental protection and prioritising the safety and health of people.  
  • Aims to meet customer expectations and comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as any voluntarily assumed commitments.  
  • Is based on teamwork.  
  • Communicates openly and encourages feedback.  
  • Ensures proper training.  
  • Provides a safe working environment.  
  • Fosters initiative, innovation, and creativity.  
  • Recognises individual and team achievements.  
  • Is socially committed.  
  • Operates transparently in all activities.  
  • Is dedicated to occupational risk prevention across the company and in the coordination of activities.  

To achieve these goals, we will establish indicators for each measurable parameter, assign specific targets, and set progressively more ambitious objectives over predetermined periods.  

These objectives will accompany this statement and will be reviewed together at predefined intervals.  

Our company’s internal relations with collaborators and external relations with suppliers and clients will be honest, objective, and fair, always recognising the dignity of individuals as team members.  

We acknowledge that these are the shared values within the organisation INTECA INGENIERÍA, S.L.